by Julie Cabrera | Feb 1, 2016 | Testimonial, Testimonial (Homepage) |
“This file (EdgeFile™) has revolutionized rotary instrumentation as Nickel Titanium revolutionized Endodontic instrumentation. Heretofore Unseen flexibility and strength in this practitioners hands.” Alex Parsi D.D.S. Endodontist, Los Angeles, CA, Office...
by Julie Cabrera | Feb 1, 2016 | Testimonial, Testimonial (Homepage) |
“Every ten years or so there is revolution in Endodontics, and this is it. With their supernatural elastic modulus and extremely efficient instrument design they have completely changed the way I clean and shape. From a Board Certified Endodontist-You must try these...
by Julie Cabrera | Feb 1, 2016 | Testimonial, Testimonial (Homepage) |
“Every ten years or so there is revolution in Endodontics, and this is it. With their supernatural elastic modulus and extremely efficient instrument design they have completely changed the way I clean and shape. From a Board Certified Endodontist-You must try these...
by Julie Cabrera | Feb 1, 2016 | Testimonial, Testimonial (Homepage) |
“Thanks for creating a great product at an affordable price. I work at a public health facility with slim financial margins, the speed and price of your system will allow us to offer endo to those who would otherwise not be able to afford it.” Dr. Clark Brinton, DMD...
by Julie Cabrera | Feb 1, 2016 | Testimonial, Testimonial (Homepage) |
“I have been very pleased with the products from EdgeEndo® and have implemented them at the Reconstructive Dentistry Institute. With its specialized fabrication process, the flexible FireWire NiTi EdgeFile™ allows the dental provider to efficiently and effectively...