Research Studies
Cost Effective Rotary Instruments that were Well Received in Clinical Use Evaluation
A publication of CR Foundation® Printed September 2019, with permission, from Vol. 12 Issue 9, Page 8 Gordon’s Clinical Evaluation: CR tested carbide 330 and diamond round-end taper coarse instruments because of their popularity. Both performed comparable to premium...
FG 330 Carbide Bur Study
Cutting Performance Comparison of FG 330 EdgeDental Carbide Burs Biomaterials Research Report Matt Cowen, B.S. DENTAL ADVISOR Biomaterials Research Center Introduction: This study compares the cutting efficiency and durability of FG 330 Carbide Burs and...
EdgeTaper Platinum™ Vs. ProTaper Gold®
Cyclic Fatigue and Torsional Failure of EdgeTaper Platinum Endodontic Files at Simulated Body Temperature Ahmed Jamleh, BDS, MSc, PhD, Amjad Alghaihab, DMD, Abdulmohsen Alfadley, BDS, MSc, FRCD(C), Hussam Alfawaz, BDS, MS, Abdullah Alqedairi, BDS, MS, and...
Time Kill Study
Results: Values are considered approximate (~) when plate counts were outside of the statistically accurate range of 25-250 colony forming units (CFU)/plate for bacteria and yeast and 8-80 CFU/plate for mold. Less than symbols(<) are applied to recovery values...
EdgeMix vs QMix
Results: The spectra shown in Figure 1 shows that sodium hypochlorite (blue line) has an absence of absorbance past 400 nm in wavelength. The same observation is made when EdgeMix was mixed with sodium hypochlorite (green line). Furthermore, since the absorbance...
Mechanical Properties of Various Glide Path Instruments
Highlights •Cyclic resistance, torsional resistance, and bending stiffness of glide path files made of different alloys were compared using custom devices. •EdgeGlidePath made from heat-treated wire showed higher cyclic resistance than ProGlider and One G. •One G made...
Transportation Study
For printable PDF version click here: Cone-beam Computed Tomographic Analysis of Canal Transportation and Centering Ability of Single-file Systems
AAE18 Research Evaluates EdgeEndo® Files
Abstracts of Research These abstracts are Oral and Poster Research that will be presented at AAE18 . Abstracts evaluated EdgeEndo® files, with the majority of studies evaluating the EdgeTaper Platinum™ vs ProTaper® Gold. Abstracts appear as they were submitted by the...
Comparative Study of Cyclic Fatigue Resistance for Six Rotary Instruments with Different Nickel-Titanium Wires
More Studies Keep Showing EdgeEndo Domination! EdgeEndo® files continue to be recognized as superior files. Many manufacturers are focused on refining the performance of NiTi. In recent studies conducted by university students and presented at the AAE conference,...
Testing Temperature Effects on NiTi Cyclic Fatigue
Effect of Temperature on NiTi Cyclic Fatigue Dr. Andy Dosanjh - The University of Detroit Mercy A pilot study conducted at the University of Detroit Mercy showed EdgeFile files to have significantly greater cycles compared to competing files. The purpose of this study...